Page name: As the Night Goes On [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-17 03:45:57
Last author: YokoTsuta
Owner: YokoTsuta
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As the Night Goes On


This wiki is a book [YokoTsuta] and [Raiko Fire] are co-writing. It's a work in progress, due to me (Yoko) not feeling inspired at the moment. I know that Rei will force inspire me soon <.<;

Dedicated to Mrs. Melissa Miraglia Whitaker, dearly departed teacher, friend, and a great Christian influence to us

Also dedicated to Miriam Atherton, my ([YokoTsuta])'s grandmother, who recently passed away after years of alzheimers.


[YokoTsuta] - the Author (Yok: more like slave o.O;)

[Raiko Fire] - the evil publisher woman ^^ (I stole yoko's cds, pencils, books, batteries, cd player, etc. o.O just to get her to write ^^ ah... torment is fun...)



NEW!!! Mini Prologue: Hana's Soliloquy


Chapter One: One Rainy Night

Chapter Two: A Stranger in the Dark

Chapter Three: The Plot Thickens

Chapter Four: Rose Blood

Chapter Five: Round the Corner

Chapter Six: Sad Performances

Chapter Seven: Silver

Chapter Eight: 21

Chapter Nine: Crimson Tears

Chapter Ten: Bound to the East

Chapter Eleven: Cheerful Contempt

Chapter Twelve: Sunlight Blues

Chapter Thirteen: Lifeblood

Chapter Fourteen: Down in the Dark

Chapter Fifteen: Riku's Demise

Chapter Sixteen: New Beginnings

Chapter Seventeen: Rules


ATNGO New Years Special ~05


ATNGO Characters


As the Night Goes On Readers Please sign!


Our Philosophy on Vampires


Meet the Authors




<img:" alt="Asbestos Disease">


Hey! We won a place in The Wiki Awards! ^^ thankies!

Wiki name: As the Night Goes On

Comment from the bosses:
A good RPG needs to have constant actualizations, needs to appeal to a large public that finds it interesting and may be well written. This one fills the description and has a lot of reading to do, with gives you lots of information and background for the actions. Also, the organization is neat and everything looks clean and well thought.

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-06 [YokoTsuta]: you deserve your title.

2004-06-06 [Raiko Fire]: *evil grin*

2004-06-06 [YokoTsuta]: n.n;

2004-06-08 [YokoTsuta]: I don't see anything on the page...

2004-06-09 [YokoTsuta]: I added some to this page...o.O

2004-06-09 [YokoTsuta]: katie! what did you suggest? I forgot o.o;;;; for chapter 2....

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: FEEL INSPIRED, Dammit!

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: let's see... was it Riku gave one of his roguish grins, "I'll be fine." or the other (long) one

2004-06-10 [YokoTsuta]: I need the long one

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: er..... *shuffles through papers*

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: Riku felt a certain kind of fang-thrilling fascination with all this gory slaughter, but it wasn't the particular kind of murder he had set out to find

2004-06-10 [YokoTsuta]: hmm....didn't you have another one?

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: no... o.O

2004-06-10 [YokoTsuta]: well, guess what. THINK OF ONE!!! (tensai got ADD for the week and saw popcorn ^^) o.O

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: uh... like what?

2004-06-10 [YokoTsuta]: something gory, dark, and altogether creepy.

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: hmm... *strokes bottom lip with index finger*

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: go to the second chapter, I type there >.>

2004-06-10 [YokoTsuta]: *stares off into space, tapping her fingers on the desk, waiting for an answer*

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: IT'S ON THE SECOND CHAPTER, 'YA NINCOMPOOP! ><

2004-06-10 [YokoTsuta]: you aren't watching the page bitch T.T

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: are too o.O

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: you weren't then

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: *sniff* wedgie time! XD

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: T.T

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: mwahaha!

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: bitch!

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: write T.T

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: later, my hand hurts...

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: it's not like you have to use a pencil T.T

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: hurts! ><

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: get over it n.n my knee hurts, but I still walk T.T

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: wimp. n.n;

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: hey, who's the wimp here? YOU CAN'T FREAKIN' TYPE! >< and you're typing right now, anyways n.n

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: alright, so I made an excuse. get over it. I don't feel inspired right now.

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: you don't have to! >< just fix what I wrote

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: I have to be inspired to fix whatever the hell you wrote. I need to put it into my own frame of mind and set it on the correct path of a flowing storyline. *dramatic sigh*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: *ducttapes Tensai to a pole (wherever it came from) in the floor* INSPIRE HER, DAMMIT! ><

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: my poor sexily gay inspirer *sigh*

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: I weep for thee

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Raiko: *pokes Yoko in the small of her back* hey...*big eyes*

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: aww *hugs Rai Rai*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Raiko: *is hugged* >.> can I have Tensai? ^^

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: have him?

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Raiko: >.> yesh... <.< *eyes glint* (hasanuma!XD)

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: ah...Yes...go ahead...

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: YAY! ^^ *glomps Yoko, then sits in front of Tensai**stares at Tensai* e.e

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: *beams at Rai* hello there!

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: HI! ^^

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: *is looking Rai over* *grins*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: O.o;;; ....^^ *flexes* heh heh....  Rei: O.O; *kicks Raiko and drags him into a closet and locks him in* T.T;

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: thank you Tensai: Nooo! my sexy friend! come back! *tries to get the door open* grr...T.T Yok: omg...n.n;;;

2004-06-11 [oxyJ3N]: <img:>

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rei:*stares* he... got out of my ducttape! >< Rai-Rai:*bangs on door* let me out! ><

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Yok:get that out of here jen! Tensai:no dip rei. *busts the door down and falls into Rai Rai*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: (into Rai?! O.O) Rei: *mutters* Rai: x.x

2004-06-11 [oxyJ3N]: jen:no!

2004-06-11 [oxyJ3N]: <img:>

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: uh oh o.O Tensai: *smiles up at Rai* hi sexy

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Raiko: er.. hi O.o Rei: *stares in horror*

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: *smacks a hand to her forehead* Tensai: *grins, stands up, and dusts Rai Rai off*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rei:*sits in corner and cries* why does he have to be the exacy oposite of me?! why?! Rai: *walks over to Rei and pats her on the back* because that's the way you made me! ^^

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: *glares at Yok* is that what you think of me? Yok: *huggles Tensai* of course! ^^ Tensai:okay! oh...wait....hey! >< *runs over and huggles his Rai Rai, crying*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rei:*sniffles* gayfers... Rai:*is huggled*

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: aren't they all? n.n;; Tensai: *starts taking Rai's shirt off, tickling him playfully*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Raiko: O.O >< *puts his arms around his chest protectivly* stop that! >< only Red is allowed to do that *beams* Rei: ...

2004-06-11 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: but he's not here right now...why can't i just...*grins* Yok: oh hell no *is pounding her head into the wall*

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: Rai:*hides behind Yoko*protect me! ;-; Rei: *grabs Tensai by the ankle*T.T

2004-06-12 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: *whacks Rei and glomps Rai* Yok: Tensai...get off the poor guy

2004-06-12 [Raiko Fire]: Rei: *mutters and walks out* Raiko: *grabs yoko around the middle* don't let him get me!

2004-06-12 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: *grabs Tensai by the ear* Behave. Tensai: <.<

2004-06-12 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: *sniffles*

2004-06-12 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: *lets go of Tensai* Tensai: *hugs Rai Rai* I sowwy.

2004-06-12 [Raiko Fire]: Rai:*shakes violently* RE-E-E-E-ED! >< ;-;

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: *tapes Rai Rai to a chair and starts styling his hair, whistling happily* Yok: o.O uh...

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: >.>

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: *smacks a hand to her forehead* n.n

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: you're gonna tangle it >< it takes forever for me to get out the knots in the morning!!! damn long hair T.T

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai: aww...I'll be gentle, I promise *smiles playfully at Rai* Yok: n.n;; 

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: get him off ;-; *pleads with Yoko*

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: Yok: *looks at Tensai trying to match nail polish with Rai Rai's skin tone* uh...Tensai, maybe you could do that some other time? Tensai: *clings to Rai* nevah!

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: Rai: that is IT!!! >< *big wings appear and break the tape* T.T *flies away* AND KATIE SAYS TO WRITE ><

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: Tensai and Yok: *glare angrily at Rai*

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: XP <img:>

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: FINE, DAMMIT!!!

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: yay!

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: XP

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: WRITE >< or suffer the Derf

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: fine...

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: yay!

2004-06-13 [YokoTsuta]: I wrote ^^ hehe


2004-07-07 [Channy]: HUZZAH! a new chapter o.O

2004-07-07 [YokoTsuta]: T.T

2004-07-07 [Channy]: Lol, I go read now^^ you write good katie *pet pet*

2004-07-07 [YokoTsuta]: =^^=

2004-07-07 [Channy]: wahei

2004-07-07 [Raiko Fire]: actually, I just made the wiki

2004-07-07 [Channy]: lol, I know, just bein' silly ^^

2004-07-07 [Raiko Fire]: we DID finish chap 2 though

2004-07-07 [Channy]: hmm...truuue...

2004-07-07 [Raiko Fire]: yup ^^

2004-07-17 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-07-17 [Channy]: wooow

2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: what?

2004-07-18 [Raiko Fire]: ? o.O

2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: the wooow comment...I...can't...comprehend...gah *twitch*

2004-07-18 [Raiko Fire]: *seizures*

2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: o_O;;

2004-07-18 [Channy]: lol, it's wasn't meant to be comprehended...just there...heh ^^;

2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: ^^;;;;

2004-07-18 [Raiko Fire]: *sill twitching slightly* Happy birthday, Sarah! ^^

2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: ?

2004-07-18 [Raiko Fire]: Channy ^^

2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: oh...

2004-07-19 [Channy]: Yay! ty

2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: ty?

2004-07-19 [Channy]: Thank you, Lol, for wishing me a happy b-day ^^ Lol, umm, what's with the aterisks(**'s) in between words o.O

2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: my mom put these evil parental controls on my account and it won't let me go to the page cause it thinks that those are really bad words that I should even be able to see, let alone create. n.n;;;

2004-07-20 [Raiko Fire]: LMAO -^^-

2004-07-20 [Raiko Fire]: yay! I added a pretty counter!

2004-07-20 [Channy]: Awoo, and Lol, XD Shave is a bad word *falls over laughing*

2004-07-20 [Raiko Fire]: oh, shut up =.=

2004-07-20 [YokoTsuta]: shave...^^

2004-07-20 [YokoTsuta]: alright, someone put something bad on the third chapter. Rei, fix it now! or else you won't get the two chapters I wrote today. T.T

2004-07-21 [YokoTsuta]: nevermind, but I added! ^^

2004-07-21 [Raiko Fire]: two chapters? o.O

2004-07-21 [YokoTsuta]: paragraphs! ><

2004-07-21 [Raiko Fire]: *fol*

2004-07-21 [YokoTsuta]: fol?

2004-07-21 [Channy]: Lol...the shaving! THE SHAAVING!O.o (sorry, that seriously cracks me up)

2004-07-22 [YokoTsuta]: I undid the shaving thing...-.-;;;;;

2004-07-22 [Channy]: Lol, sorry to rag you yoko

2004-07-22 [YokoTsuta]: rawr...

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